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Lo Wentworth Mindset and Life Coach for Millennial Women

 I m Lo, and this is my story.

It wasn’t all that long ago that the only thing I could think about was, “WTF am I doing?” and “Is this seriously what I’ve worked my a$$ off for?” Literally. All day long, I questioned my life choices, doubted myself, and sat in frustration and confusion around what success and happiness could even mean to me.

But then, everything changed.

It wasn’t magic, and it wasn’t overnight. It took hard work, accountability, messy action, and lots of internal work.

Now, I have the clarity and confidence to own my story and make my own rules in life, and I’m passionate about sharing that with other high-achieving and ambitious millennial women.

 Listen, you need to get real.

I’m not going to sugarcoat this for you. I’m not going to tell you this is easy work, or call you “sis” and promise rainbows on the other side.

What I am going to tell you is you DO deserve more, and you ARE worth figuring out what that “more” is for you.

Right now, you’re feeling lost.

You want to do something different in your life, but you either don’t know what that is or are too suffocated by fear of “breaking the rules” to take action.

You might feel alone, and even though everyone else and their mother thinks you’re such a “go getter” and “got it all together”, you feel like your whole world is #fakenews.

Looking in the mirror, you don’t even recognize yourself some days because you realize you’re living life on everyone else’s terms but yours.


 I’ve been there, I get it.

In my final year of law school, I started questioning myself - “What am I doing here? I’m not happy…I don’t think this is for me...ugh…”

But I didn’t change anything. Just kept going through the motions and checking off the boxes on all the things you’re supposed to do.

Finish my education.
Get a boyfriend.
Start planning for a wedding with said boyfriend.
Live in the apartment of my dreams.

Then, the universe decided to step in and kick me in the face.

I took the bar, but didn’t pass by 4 points. 
Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years. 
Moved in with family because I had nowhere else to go. 
And felt like my life was over before it even started.


However, I did not let that hold me back from finding what it is I am meant to create in this life and change the world. I became determined to find out what I wanted in life, define what happiness and success means to me, and write my own dang rule book.

So, I hired my life and success coach and the rest is history.

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Lo Wentworth Mindset and Life Coach for Millennial Women

Your world is not up to “them” - it’s up to you! On the other side of that scary-ass change, is freedom!


After living through what felt like Hell and back, I started learning about NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and T.I.M.E. Emotion. Using these tools and more, I decided to help other women just like me - who are ready to:

  • Live life on their own terms.

  • Make decisions with ease and clarity.

  • Become confident in who they are and what their purpose is.

  • Overcome obstacles and fears and finally have the freedom to build and live your life.

  • Know what is next for them instead of continuing to go through the motions of life.

  • And build the lifestyle they want around their dreams and happiness.

If you’re ready to break all the rules, rebel against the system, and create the life, career, and relationships YOU want, book a FREE Clarity Call with me today!


 Let’s connect on the ‘gram!